Someone once said that you could tell a lot about a person by the friends they keep. I think there's some truth in that. Jesus himself made a point of calling his disciples 'his friends', so we think God wants friendship to be important to His church!
Below are some of the friends of The Well - of course, there are many more individuals and churches both in Rochdale and beyond who we consider to be good acquaintancies, but the ones below are more special!
Anson - Hugo and Sharon - (left)as well as heading up the Grassroots charity in Surrey(see Community page), they have strong links to Soul Survivor, Spring Harvest, Evangelical Alliance and are friends too of Roger and Faith Forster.
Forster, Roger and Faith - a lovely couple who have led Ichthus Christian Fellowship in South London for over 25 years and planted as many churches - they are held in high esteem by Christian leaders all across the world. We are one of their LINK churches.
Grimshaw, Bob and Julie -(right) they have a church in Kirkham, called 'The Gate' near Preston, and we help each other, and all get together a couple of times a year.
Matas, Miguel and Maria -(left) along with their 6 children (like a Spanish Von Trapp family!) they are missionaries in Medellin, Colombia (see Community page), but are also wonderfully encouraging to our church.
Miller, Eli - (below right)based in Vancouver, Canada.
They go back a long way with Bob Grimshaw and Dennis and Lynnie, and have been a real blessing to our fellowship. They are with Mike and Sue Grimshaw from Missouri, USA (Bob's brother).
Pogodin, Kirill and Lena -(left) now with 8-year old Lisa, and 4-year old Michkey! Part of a church in Moscow, Russia, called 'Domatsa' (The Fathers House) - led by our other friends Michael and Kate Dubrovsky, and Sergei and Tatiana, - Kirill and Lena are part of our family and had their honeymoon in Rochdale!
Shackleton, Keith and Charlotte -(below left) living in St Annes, they are musicians who love to lead Christian Worship, and have a wonderful gift to bring people into the presence of God.
Smith, Martyn and Linda -(below right) they are the leaders of a group of churches in the North West called Vinelife Churches, based in Bolton, but it is the friendship of Martyn and Linda that has encouraged us as The Well to become part of that network. When part of the Vineyard Church Network, Martyn and Linda were close friends of John Wimber, and still retain close links with David Watson's widow, Ann.
Jackie and Eric White lead an evangelical Anglican church plant in Leigh, Lancashire. Long time friends, they introduced some Iranian asylum seekers to us, who needed emergency support, which has resulted in 7 converts from Islam to Christianity!!
Dennis & Lynnie Walker -(below left) are based in Las Vegas in USA, and have planted many churches in Peru, South America. Dennis has visited us twice, with colleagues like Wendell McGowan from Redding, California, and we all believe God has brought us together for some greater purpose, which will become clear in time! We have also visited their group in Las Vegas and met some lovely Christians there. Just like us!