Answered Prayers

 We've been praying about how best we can engage with the people of Rochdale. Now we have the answer. It's the ROCHDALE FOODBANK! Look on our Community page to find out more. Maybe you can help? 

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What Jesus says

My command is this: " Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no-one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. " (John 15:12)

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There are a lot of things about traditional churches that seem to me to be a distraction from the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Nothing wrong with them - just a distraction. And they use up a lot of  time and energy, which I believe can be better spent.

It's hard to summarise in just a few words, so I wrote a book "The Most Excellent Way....?" which highlights the 'distraction's and suggests other ways that Christians can 'do church' without being heretics!!

You can buy the book for just £2.50 by emailing or by calling 07956 337674.

Here is a bit of a 'taster':-

LOVE is the BIG Thing!

Let's deal with a few myths first!

* Church is not about being good so God won't get mad at you
* Church is not about special buildings
* Church is not about special rituals or clothes
* Church is not about keeping the 10 commandments
* Church is not about doing good works to make God like you

God's LOVE for us is shown by His GRACE.
He gives us what we do not deserve - forgiveness, peace, adopted as sons; eternal life
We cannot earn his favour - it is a free gift.
All He asks of us is to believe in His Son, Jesus.

And when we do, Jesus says to us : ' Love God, and love each other'.

That's church!

Our Love for God is shown by our worship, our desire to listen to Him and follow His ways

Our Love for each other - well, you need to read the book to find out more!